Ghostwriting & Book Editing

Amazon Best Seller

Amazon Best Seller
REAL Leadership: Waken to Wisdom
Book Trailer
We all know leaders whose abilities we question because of their lack of business skills, emotional intelligence, resilience and agility.
These Leaders are unconscious and unaware of how their learned fears, egos, and personality flaws affect their effectiveness in dealing with others.
As a result, they are ineffective, their followers are not empowered, engaged, not motivated, nor performing at their best.
But dramatic change is possible!
Meet Susan Robertson, a co-founder of 2 businesses that deal with both personal and organizational transformation, starting from within.
Influenced by her own near-death experience, her mission is to help others find a transformative moment in their lives, to find their own passion and purpose.
REAL Leadership: Waking to Wisdom is a valuable tool for learning how to change the very nature of our inner being, to become conscious, healthy, and well-adjusted, and most importantly, to bring positive energy to everything we do in life.
Robertson takes us on a journey from our unconscious behaviors to an awakening of inner truth, resiliency, engagement, agility, and leadership wisdom – the keys to personal and professional fulfillment.
Based on principles like honesty, mutual respect, and caring, Robertson focuses on the greater good of the individual and its positive impact on corporate culture.
Can’t wait to learn more? I know.
Check out REAL Leadership: Walking to Wisdom by Susan Robertson on Amazon today!
And join her on your own journey to self-discovery.

Books written, co-written, or structurally edited:
REAL Leadership: Waken to Wisdom – edited for Susan Robertson; consultant and leadership trainer; book became an Amazon Best Seller.
The CEO Sales Solution – with Julian Griffin, sales consultant; I wrote the book from transcripts.
Leveraged Selling –Ari Galper; speaker and consultant; I wrote the book from transcripts.
The HeartLifePlus Story: How to Beat Heart Disease – with Dr. Dan Pilgreen, Physician; structurally edited.
The Greatest [Architect, etc.] on the Planet (Workbook Series) – Worked with John Hopper (40 versions of book, by industry).
Video Production Standards for Demonstration Videos - Knowlera
Media; Did organization and structural editing. -
Roulette Wealth: Wealth-Building Secrets of Online Play – As editor-in-chief of Gambling Whiz Magazine; I wrote this
eBook on Roulette theories of play.
Make Space 4 Schools – with Dylan Meikle, consultant to international schools sponsored by the United Nations.
Thinking Out Loud – with George Porter; a book for teens.
The Elephant at the Dinner Table – with Amit Nagpal; a business book.
The 1-Page Book Launch Plan –with Vikrant Shaurya, Publisher and Author.
REAL Culture: The Catalyst for Conscious Business – with Susan Robertson, our second book together.
Habit Driven Health – with Daniel Dahdah, Chiropractor.
How to Become a Sales Master- Wrote for Navid Momeni Amazon Best Seller
Never Feel Lonely Again: The Foundation of Relationships – with Sushil Rungta.
Primary Care Doctors in Charge: New Paradigm for Healthcare – Wrote this eBook for Don Angle and Primary Care Partners
Your Rights in the Workplace – Wrote government guide used for education course.
It’s Not About the Knockdown – Worked with Ian Humphrey; a book for teens.
Transformative Decisions - edited for Irma Parone
Customer Success: The 7 Golden Rules - written for Ben Coffinberger
The Soulful Workplace - edited for Peter Boone
The 12 Commandments of Leadership - edited for Tony Wedo
Legal Jeopardy for Teens - written for Matthew Siegal
Reclaiming Your Post-diagnosis Power - edited for Tatiana Rivera